Comment on Episode #126.
Panel #1 - I finally replaced Maldonado's broken forearm piece. Up until now, I've been using Handi-tak to keep his arm from falling off. But, now he's got a fresh new forearm. I also gave him a new hand, one with the palm unpainted, so he can hold the Kwyjibo better. Painting the palms of the Stikfas hands reduced the internal diameter so that the hand can no longer hold Stikfas sized stuff.
Panel #2 - Here's the bug custom donated by Eric Andersen. He sent it in originally painted a dark blue. However, that didn't show up in the photos all that well. So, I added a coat of Krylon metallic blue paint. This came out really well, making it look like shiny bug carapace.
Panel #3 - Raik lost his arrows after falling into the river when he was skewered by the orc in episode #71. Maldonado found one arrow in episdoe #101.
Panel #4 - They Kwyjibo is an ancient hobbit weapon described by Raik in episode #107.
Panel #8 - Momo follows through with a nice undercut axe chop, dismembering the bug into several pieces! Don't mess with a barbarian half-orc armed with a battle axe.
Question #1: From what Stikfas action figure kits was the new bug custom kitbashed? Get 10 Bold Points answering correctly first in this Action Figure Comics forum thread.
mjck7 answered correctly with Alpha Male Diver with Octopus, Beta Female Safari with Jungle Cat and Mechana Robot.
Question #2: Why didn't the Kwyjibo work against this bug? Get 10 Bold Points answering correctly first in this Action Figure Comics forum thread. One guess per person.
Mule correctly answered that the bug is not sentient, which was a requirement mentioned by Raik in episode #107.