This is the first PotB episode that I have used the new Photo Studio in a Box lighting (I used it on WE #11-13). It's very bright, and there are some color differences in different panels caused by light angle. I'll have to figure out how to fix that kind of stuff.
Panel #1 - As you may recall, Maldonado slew two bug creatures back in episodes #96 and #97, while everyone else was stunned. In episode #99 he explained in his own inimitable way how he did it. No one believed him. Now he's repeating his tale of hobbit heroism to Raik (at least until Kamik interrupted him).
Question #1: From whence does the word Kwyjibo orginate? Get 10 Bold Points by being the first to answer correctly in the Action Figure Comics forum.
Wolfchild59 correctly answered the question. It's a word that Bart plays in Scrabble on the Bart the Genius episode of the Simpsons.
Question #2:
I soothe and bite,
Both day and night,
I douse and kindle,
I grow and dwindle,
I whisper and howl,
I'm fair and foul.
North and South, East and West,
I am cursed, I am blessed.
I cause hope and despair.
If I stop near you I'm not there.
I never pull, I always shove.
In the cold I'm hated, in the heat I'm loved.
Who am I?
Get 10 Bold Points by being the first to answer correctly in the Action Figure Comics forum.
Gobblinal correctly answered "wind". He gets 10 Bold Points!