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Perils of the Bold

Dark Omen Dawning


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Perils of the Bold #71
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Panel #1 - That's digital blood again.

Panel #3 - I had to cut one of the Stikfas spears so I could "impale" the ranger. Here, you can see the shaft of the spear stabbing the ranger in the back (with digital blood).

Panel #4 - The ranger is cutting the spear in half in this panel. Not sure how clear that is.

Panel #5 - This was a very hard panel to set up. I had to pose all 5 figures (and one orc is hidden behind the ranger!) on uneven rocks, attach the spear head to the ranger's stomach, and suspend the chopped off orc arm. It's a pain when one of the figures falls into the sand, because the Handi-Tak I use to stick them to the rocks gets all covered in the sand and has to be replaced.

UPDATE Panel #6 - I've reshot panel #6. The original, shown below, did not do a good job of revealing the spearhead protruding from the ranger's gut. It also did not show him dropping his sword.

panel #6

Panel #7 - The splashes are blue Sculpey clay covered in white sand.

Panel #9 - Looks like the orcs were successful. Or were they....?

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Stikfas action figures and the Stikfas logo are copyrights and trademarks of Stikfas Pte. Ltd.
Shockini action figures and the Shocker Toys logo are copyrights and trademarks of Shocker toys.
GI Joe action figures are copyrights and trademarks of Hasbro.
Their use in webcomics is not intended to infringe on the intellectual property of any company.
Any similarity between characters on and real persons (living or dead) is purely coincidental.
The personalities, stories, fictional settings, text, and dialog in Perils of the Bold and Dark Omen Dawning are copyright © 2006 through eternity Erik Kjerland.