Perils of the Bold updates on Mondays and Thursdays.
Comment on Episode #218.
On Stikfanatics forum, Wolfchild59 opined some constructive criticisms about PotB which I greatly appreciated. One of the things she suggested was switching back to the heroes more often. That is, I spend too much time away from the heroes. I had never thought of that, but it's true. Since my storyline takes so long to move along (and I only update twice a week), it is sometimes a long stretch between seeing this or that character. So, moving forward I'm going to try to switch back to the main characters more frequently, and not spend so much time away from them.
I'm not exactly sure how this will work out. It will mean some change to the way I shoot the episodes. Usually, I create a set and shoot all the episodes for it before dismantling it. Then I publish those episodes all in a row. Going forward under the new Wolfchild59 Paradigm, I'll either need to mantle and dismantle and then mantle the sets whenever I need them as I shoot the episodes. Or, I'll need to film all the episodes for a set and then publish them intermittently. The last option means I'll have to script out further ahead. It also will make it harder to change scripts or plotlines. Well, we'll see how it goes! In any case, thanks, Wolfchild59, for taking the time to make suggestions!
Panel #1 - I took this sunrise photo in the park near my house back on 10/21/2005.
Panel #5 - In case you don't remember, Dundorious last saw Kamik fighting a hopeless battle in the Dungeons of Netherdoom in episode #132. And, the heroes have been tracking Maldonado who is in the clutches of a wood nymph!
Panel #7 - Yoinks! Where the heck did Kamik come from? Last time we saw him he was in the clutches of Kreex and the brood mother in episode #212.