Panel #1 - This time I did not use thread to suspend the bug in the air. Instead, I used the clear support pieces from the Stikfas Delta Boy kit which plugs into the sole of the bug's foot. You can see it in one of the voting incentive images for today.
Panel #4 - For the bug's leap I again used the clear support piece, and digitally removed it in post-production.
"Have at you!" is a quote from a movie. Ten Bold Points to the first person who can identify the movie that supplied the quotes for this episode. There are several. You only get the points if you post on the AFC forum.
Panel #5 - That's not blood squirting from the bug's limbs as Momo rips them off. Blood would be too gruesome in such quantities. That's hemolymph. Hemolymph is a circulatory fluid in some invertebrates like mollusks and arthropods (insects). It bathes the organs directly and there is no distinction between blood and interstitial fluid. To learn more about the exciting world of circulatory systems, see the Wikipedia entry on the subject.
The squirting hemolymph is a special effect created during post-production in Photoshop.
Panel #6 - I think this is a particularly heroic and barbarous shot of Momo. Obviously, you don't want to mess with this guy.
Panel #9 - The hemolymph here is actually melted crayon. And the reader who can correctly identify the two Crayola colors used in the hemolymph pools gets 30 Bold Points!
Contest Update - Wolfrick was the first person to correctly identify the quotes in this episode to Monty Python and the Holy Grail. He gets 10 Bold Points for the Contest of the Bold.
No one has yet correctly named the 2 Crayola colors used for the bug's blood. Whoever does so first gets 30 Bold Points!